Catherine Green
artist and designer

Catherine Green is an artist and designer based in Yorkshire in the UK.
Studying Spatial Design at college and university Catherine moved into exhibition design before taking time off to raise a family. Whilst on holiday in the Yorkshire Dales a chance encounter with a textile artist in a shop in Settle ignited a passion for the tactile surfaces and bold colours of dyed fabric and thread. Eager to get back to creating a stitched textiles course caught her attention and started her on a creative journey once again.
A successful few years exhibiting in galleries across the UK selling her textile artwork, teaching workshops and attending fairs and several studios later Catherine moved house and dedicated more time to the Commercial Interior Design business that she had built up alongside her husband with the eventual aim of creating an art studio from home.
Life took a number of unexpected twist and turns along the way eventually leading Catherine to finally be able to commit to being a full time artist once again and continue her artistic journey this time in acrylics and mixed media whilst also translating her art into surface pattern designs to be used in interiors; combining both of her passions together.
Catherine works intuitively to begin with incorporating marks and symbols accumulated through sketchbook work and journaling before identifying elements that she enjoys to bring the final piece together. Constantly inspired by nature and the emotions that it evokes Catherine aims to create mainly abstract work that can be individually interpreted by the viewer leading them on a unique journey through the work.

“My love of art and design started from a very young age when I just loved making things. I would sew and draw or make collages from catalogues and just enjoyed anything creative.
In my current work I just love the immediacy of acrylics. I can create layer upon layer, brush strokes, printed patterns, transparent glazes and work intuitively to find my way into a painting. I can incorporate collage and sand back and reveal the layers underneath and build a surface that I find both satisfying and intriguing.
Translating these surfaces into designs for interior products enables me to combine my many years of experience as an interior designer with my passion for bold abstract artwork to create exciting patterns and prints."
Catherine Green